- Ideas and brainstorming
- Development of sketches and layout of the pieces
- Fridge magnets with recipes
How well do you think you performed in the role(s)?
- contribution to brainstorming
- need more skills/understanding of photoshop elements to contribute to final pieces
How well do you think you worked as a group?
- Very Well - brought a range of skills and different ideas together which helped influence each other and bring together our range of skills.
What were the positives of working in a group?
- When brainstorming ideas, when one idea was brought up, everyone in the group added their ideas onto it meaning it was developed further and further. We could develop ideas much further than we would have been albe to do if we had been working alone.
- more creativity was brought to the table
- as it is the start of the course, different people have different strengths and level of skills so by joining together the final pieces were developed further.
- learn different peoples ways of working and solving problems.
What were the negatives of working in a group?
- Sometimes ideas and layouts clashed.
What will you do differently next time?
- Broader range of colours
- Make more magnets/recipes
What were the strengths of your presentation
- bold simple ideas which were clearly presented